Are you an anti-diet practitioner or clinician struggling to grow your business? Whether you're starting from the ground up or seeking answers to specific coaching challenges, I'm here to offer dedicated support and guidance.
Let's build the business of your dreams together!

Why spend years navigating the coaching world alone when you can accelerate your journey with a fellow coach and mentor who's been through it all?

Let's tackle this together, with Ciandra by your side.

Here’s How I Can Help:

  • Boost Your Social Media Savvy: Learn to create engaging content and connect with your audience.

  • Refine Communication Skills: Enhance your consultation calls and email writing techniques.

  • Grow Your Client Base: Explore effective strategies to attract and retain clients.

  • Navigate Business Challenges: Get personalised advice on setting up and scaling your business.

  • Diversify Your Coaching Services: Innovate your offerings beyond traditional one-on-one sessions.

Business Coaching Is Perfect For You If…

  • You are dedicated to embracing anti-diet principles, Health at Every Size (HAES), and promoting weight inclusivity in your practice

  • You're seeking guidance on managing client cases effectively and running a thriving business

  • You aspire to balance a fulfilling personal life with growing a business that you're passionate about and take pride in

“Hugely Helped!”

Ciandra hugely helped and inspired me with my social media strategy. Learning from someone who is experienced in eating disorder recovery coaching as well as marketing was exactly what I needed, and I continue to look back on the thorough report she provided me with after our session. She is friendly and relatable whilst also direct and honest about what actionable steps can be taken. Thank you so much!

- Sophie Killip | Founder of Food, Body, Self Therapeutic Coaching

Here’s What We Can Do Together During Our Time Together:

  • Brainstorm sessions and classes to help you understand your business vision

  • Map out multiple product launches that feel thrilling and doable

  • Transform your mindset to one where you feel secure and abundant

  • Help you get the hang of social media, ace consultation calls, and write emails like a pro

  • Have questions about your business? I've got the answers

  • We can navigate tricky client situations with ease and empathy


  • 60 min Video session

  • Recording of Session

  • Email Summary with Next Steps

How Business Coaching With Ciandra Works:

  • STEP 1

    Book Your Free Discovery Call

    Let’s chat on the phone for 15 minutes to see what lights a fire inside you and see if we make a good fit!

  • STEP 2

    Initial Business Coaching Session

    During this 60-minute video call, I will get to know you, your values, and your business goals a bit better so we can make a plan on where we would like to start.

  • STEP 3

    Follow-Up Coaching Sessions

    Package dependant, we will schedule in future calls to check in on the progress of your business and additional steps you should take for success.

Payment Options

1 X 1-hour virtual sessions:

£ 125

Package of 4 X 1-hour virtual sessions:

£ 450

Hi, I’m Ciandra.

Embarking on my journey as an eating disorder recovery coach, I was filled with questions and seeking guidance. I was eager to learn from experienced coaches about the intricacies of eating disorder coaching and building a thriving business. Thankfully, I found mentors who not only navigated me through challenges but also kept me aligned with my mission. This journey, enriched by business consulting, has been integral to achieving significant milestones in my practice.

Passionate about Intuitive Eating, eating disorder recovery, and body image healing, I lead 'Flourish with Ciandra', a virtual coaching practice. My entrepreneurial spirit has been constant in my life, from early ventures like baby clothes making to fashion influencing. For more insights into my business journey, check out my TEDx talk.

My business experience spans a decade from working in global businesses to my current private coaching practice, focusing on eating disorder treatment for over three years. I've enhanced my skills through business coaching, the ILM Level 5 business coaching and mentoring course, and continuous learning. Now, I'm thrilled to share this wealth of knowledge with you.


  • Absolutely! Our coaching sessions are all virtual, so you can join from any corner of the globe.

  • Just bring your curiosity, and a list of questions, and be ready to jot down lots of notes! Our sessions are all about interactive learning.

  • Not at all! Whether you're in the planning stages or just thinking about starting, I'm here to guide you. It's wonderful to get your questions answered right from the start.

  • Frequency can be determined by you. We can have a one-off session or weekly sessions depending on coaching goals.

  • We'll connect via video call for a personal touch, and I'm also available for support on whatsapp between our sessions.

  • While my speciality lies in private practice and eating disorders, I welcome therapists, doctors, and all professionals passionate about starting an anti-diet business. My goal is to support a diverse range of anti-diet professionals.

  • That's completely okay! Feel free to reach out with any queries, or let’s schedule a discovery call to explore how coaching can benefit you.

Ready To Elevate Your Business?