1:1 Eating Disorder Coaching
With Ciandra.


If you are fed up with being stuck in your eating disorder or other disordered eating habits, recovery coaching is for you!

What Is Eating Disorder Recovery Coaching


Flourish with Ciandra is my signature recovery coaching program designed to take you from quasi-recovery to full recovery from eating disorders, disordered eating or body image difficulties.

At Flourish with Ciandra, I create a safe and non-judgmental space for clients to openly discuss their challenges and work towards overcoming them. Using practical tools, evidence-based techniques, and empathetic support, I help develop a healthy relationship with food, improve body image, and cultivate self-compassion.

I personalise coaching sessions to meet individual needs, whether starting or already in recovery. My mission is to empower clients to reclaim their lives and live fully without limitations imposed by their eating disorder. Enquire now to learn how I can support you on your path to healing.


Over the last 3 years, I have helped hundreds of people worldwide achieve full recovery, using the Flourish with Ciandra Recovery Model. This model integrates evidence-based practice, mindset strategies, and actionable tools so you start to see and feel the difference in your recovery from day one. Here’s what you can expect when we work together:


60 minute Virtual Coaching Sessions (weekly / bi-weekly)

Session Summaries

Session Support
(package dependant)

Nutrition Plan
(package dependant)

Recovery Plan

Between Sessions


By Implementing Tools From Coaching You Can:

  • Kickstart your recovery from an eating disorder

  • Restore natural hunger/fullness cues and repair your body

  • Restore your body and metabolism

  • Break free from food worries

  • Restore your healthy set point weight

  • Be able to eat without rules and compensation for eating

Client Testimony

Without Ciandra’s help, I wouldn't be in the place that I am now. So, if you're feeling lost at the beginning of your recovery journey, just know that recovery is absolutely possible for you and Ciandra can really help you to get there.

Because Ciandra won't let you stop halfway. She won't let you settle for quasi-recovery. She will help you to really flourish.

- Hannah M.


Have the mental space to enjoy your life with no worries about food, your body, and exercise. Overcome your fear foods and anxieties around eating.

What Is Possible To Achieve After Recovery Coaching?


Normalise and align your natural hunger cues. Restore a normal relationship with food and trust your body.


If you’re a woman who has a lost your periods you will be able to regain these and recover your hormonal and metabolic health. Restore your body and let it settle at its natural weight.


Without disordered eating habits, and thoughts, you can live your life to the full and focus on what really is important to you - your family and friends, your goals, dreams and your future!


Here’s what happens when you enroll to Flourish with Ciandra coaching

My Philosophy

As your guiding light in the journey of recovery, my coaching style is deeply rooted in a person-first philosophy, leveraging the strengths of CBT-E, counselling principles and coaching techniques. Recognising that every individual is unique, I use a holistic approach to best cater to your specific needs. Know this – healing and recovery from any form of disordered eating is within reach.

My commitment to you goes beyond just guidance: it's about nurturing a trusting bond, upholding utmost integrity and dedication, and continuously developing my skills for your benefit.


Hannah M.


Thank you for saving me.
Ciandra has since provided me with useful tools, coping strategies and endless amounts of support all of which have enabled me to fully commit to my recovery.

Lisa A.


Ciandra has been extremely helpful and inspirational since we have started. From practical everyday tips to digging in the mechanism of thoughts, her support has been immense.

Larissa T.


Not having diet rules anymore, and just living my life eating whenever, is actually more beneficial for me, and i think about food less. Thank you for this!

Kim B.


Ciandra has been an absolute lifesaver for me. Her coaching style is gentle yet firm, and she has helped me to uncover the root causes of my disordered eating behaviors. I always feel heard and supported during our sessions, and I've made so much progress in my recovery thanks to her guidance.

Oksana A.


Before working with Ciandra, I felt so alone in my struggles with food and body image. But now, I have a community of people who understand what I'm going through, and Ciandra has been an amazing coach and mentor throughout the process. I'm so grateful for her compassion and expertise.

Package Options


£80 per session
  • Weekly or Bi-weekly 1-hour video call

  • A customised individual plan for your recovery

  • Movement and regular eating guidance

  • Individualised journaling and worksheets

  • Email recap of our calls with goals to work towards


£100 per session 
(£200 if bi-weekly inc. month of accountability)
  • Weekly or Bi-Weekly 1-hour video call

  • Access to 24/7 unlimited email and texting support

  • A customised individual plan for your recovery

  • Movement guidance and regular eating guidance

  • Individualised journaling and worksheets

  • Email recap of our calls with goals


£110 per session
  • Weekly or Bi-Weekly 1-hour video call

  • Access to unlimited email and texting support

  • A customised individual plan for your recovery

  • Movement guidance and regular eating guidance

  • Individualised journaling and worksheets

  • Email recap of our calls with goals to work towards

  • Bespoke nutrition guidance for your recovery

One-Off Sessions

Parents & Carer’s Session

£90 per session
  • 1-hour video coaching call to answer the questions you are asking yourself about your loved one’s battle

  • Information on the recovery process, how you can support and ways to look after yourself

  • Email recap of our calls with tips and guidance to implement in your loved one’s recovery journey

    Who is this for?

    For parents and carers of eating disorder sufferers who are over 18 years of age

Kick-Start Session

£140 per session 
  • 1-hour 30-minute intensive video coaching call to kick start your eating disorder recovery

  • Co-create a recovery action plan based on full nutritional rehabilitation, implementing rest, neural rewiring, understanding core values, and much more

  • Email recap of our coaching call with tips and guidance to implement in your recovery plus the co-created action plan

    Who is this for?

    Individuals with an eating disorder over the age of 18 (16+ with parental consent) who want to kickstart their recovery

bespoke package options available upon request, enquire to find out more!

"No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't break the disordered eating cycle for so many years..."

- Ciandra, Eating Disorder Recovery Coach

Hey there, I'm Ciandra - and if you’re reading this, I’ve been in your shoes.

You know, I still remember the days when eating a piece of bread felt like committing a crime. I'd walk past a bakery and think, "A little croissant won’t hurt, right?" But I'd keep walking, all while dreaming of buttery pastries. Eventually, I'd just clamp down harder on my 'strict eating rules', leading me further down the rabbit hole of my eating disorder. Sound familiar?

My story began when I was just 13, fuelled by a lifetime of being picked on for my weight. Fast forward through years of torment, both mental and physical, I reached a turning point. After some really scary moments, a stint in hospital, and what felt like a lifetime of self-reflection, I decided enough was enough. It was time to choose life, love, and yes—bread.

What did I learn from all this? Simple: Everyone can find their happy place when it comes to food and body image. Yup, I’m talking to you, too!

By relearning the signs of hunger and fullness, trusting my body again, and saying 'bye-bye' to the diet mentality, I transformed my relationship with food. No more guilt trips, no more counting every calorie—just pure, simple freedom.

And guess what? I’ve been helping people just like you do the same thing. I’ve watched so many people go from feeling like food is the enemy to realising it's just another part of life. You know, like enjoying a hot shower without analysing every drop of water.

That's what Recovery Coaching is all about. I’ve put everything I’ve learned into this my trademark recovery plan for you. So what do you say, ready to start your own journey toward food freedom? I can't wait to see where this road takes us! 🌱

Client Love

Get Started On Your
Food Freedom Journey!